Monday, August 29, 2011

Sandhill Cranes

This pair of Sandhill Cranes visits our west hay field every day. Maybe they are nesting?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Bumper Crop

Red Tomatoes -- Two Bushels and lots in the field! 12 Quart Jars - 2 Sauce, 10 Stewed

Yellow Tomatoes, This is my 5th bowl this size and may more in the field!

Just when I think my Green Beans are done... there are more! I have frozen 20-25 bags!

Carrots are plentiful, only 1/4 picked so far.

Cucumbers - 34 pints and 8 quarts of pickles canned -- Varieties: Dill, Onion, Green Pepper/Onion, Red Pepper/Garlic

Monday, August 15, 2011

Feeder Lambs

2 Black, 2 Brown Lambs (and Pinkie)
Acquired June 2011, Expected Harvest November 2011

Japanese Beetle

The Japanese Beetle has been plaguing my gardens and trees!
Solution: Hot Pepper Spray (see additional Post on Hot Pepper Spray)

Milk House Before & After


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New Roof, Added Hops & Rhubarb

Trimmed/Removed trees, made chicken house

Old skis used as trellis for Hops

Friday, August 12, 2011

Nature Alphabet

To Do: Create a collection of photography that contains every letter of the alphabet!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Apple Orchard

We planted 4 apple trees this year. (We got a fantastic clearance deal at Home Depot in July.) Because of a dry spell we watered the trees frequently. In addition, to prevent Japanese Beetle destruction, we have applied homemade Cayenne Pepper spray. (See Japanese Beetle post for details & recipe.

Lamb: Pinkie Pie

Name: Pinkie Pie
Breed: Cotswold
Date of Birth: June 2011

Story: Pickie came to us from Old World Wisconsin. She was rejected by her mother and Old World did not have the staff/cabablities to take care of her.

We nursed (bottle fed) Pinkie several times a day for several weeks. Because of this she is very friendly, knows her name and will approach you in the pasture (unlike our other sheep).

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Entry Way Flower Garden



Changes: Paint, New Windows, New Doors, Concrete Sidewalk, Flower Gardens, Tire Sandbox, Rocked Septic Spout

  • Daisy's
  • Black Eyed Susan's
  • Violets
  • Mums
  • Basil
  • Lavender
  • Cilantro
  • Oregano
  • Cone Flowers
  • Hostas
  • Mint
  • & More